All Classes and Interfaces

An Appender is a component that can append events to a output target.
Appender factory for implementations provided by this library.
This class represents a column in the database.
Main cofiguration class.
Interface intended provide a connection to the database.
Default implementation of ConnectionFactory.
An event is a log message with useful information about it, like timestamp, logger name and level.
Utility class to create events.
Filters are used to filter events based on their level.
Utilities to create a Filter based on a threshold level.
This class is used to configure the JDBC appender.
Layouts are used to format events before they are pushed to the output.
Utility class to create layouts.
Log levels.
Loggers are used by the user to log events.
Utility class to create loggers.
A message is an object that represents a log message.
Utility class to create messages.